About Us

The Indiana Association of Workers for the Blind, Inc

The Indiana Association of Workers for the Blind is a 501(c4) non-profit corporation, started in 1917 as a way to assist veterans blinded in service. While we welcome donations, they are not tax deductable. We has since evolved to help all persons who are suffering from significant visual impairment (“legally blind”) to come together and discuss issues of common significance and to provide social activities geared for such persons.

The objectives and purposes for which this organization is formed are:

  • To promote the welfare and best interests of the blind of northeast Indiana, including Allen, Adams, Wells, Huntington, Whitley, Noble, and DeKalb Counties.
  • To provide ways and means for emergency assistance and relief of temporary distress of blind persons.
  • To furnish programs of social and recreational activities for the blind and provide necessary transportation.

Currently the Fort Wayne Chapter of the Workers conducts a weekly bowling league for blind members, a monthly luncheon meeting for all members, a summer indoor picnic and a Christmas dinner.

Weekly bowling activities in Fort Wayne include assistance by handrails, and volunteer members of Lions Clubs -who arrange for their transportation and “spot” pins for them.
Learn more and sign up by calling 260-704-5001.

Friends in Focus was a blind acappella choir that was formed with members of the Workers for the Blind,

Previously singing at nursing homes and churches.

Funding and Support

Workers for the Blind could not exist or function effectively without the assistance of those who are sighted. The Constitution mandates that the President and Vice President of the Workers be legally blind, but at least three members of the Board must be “active or retired business or professional persons”, who are expected to provide counsel and guidance to the blind members of the Board. Moreover, none of the activities of the Workers could proceed without the unequivocal support of the Lions Clubs throughout Fort Wayne and the surrounding area. They provide drivers to all of the activities, assist in the White Cane Drive and are always available to lend financial support to the Workers. Appreciation is also extended to the Fort Wayne Kiwanis Club, which subsidizes the Workers’ annual Christmas Dinner. We can never say “thank you” enough to these organizations.


Indiana Code § 16-32-3-3:
(a) A person not totally blind who:

  • Approaches a totally or partially blind pedestrian carrying a cane predominantly white or metallic in color, with or without a red tip, or using a guide dog;
  • Fails to take all necessary precautions to avoid injury to the blind pedestrian; commits a Class C infraction.